Health Benefits of Quitting

Did you know the health benefits of quitting smoking are felt within the first hour? If you’re curious to know what happens after you quit smoking, we have the answers.

Health Benefits

Your body transforms when you stop smoking.

  • 20 minutes
    Your blood pressure and pulse rate return to normal.
  • 8 hours
    Oxygen levels in your blood return to normal and the levels of nicotine and carbon monoxide are reduced by more than half.
  • 24 hours
    Carbon monoxide has been eliminated from your body. Your lungs start to clear out mucus and other smoking debris.
  • 48 hours
    There’s no nicotine left in your body. Your ability to taste and smell is greatly improved.
  • 72 hours
    Breathing becomes easier. Your bronchial tubes begin to relax and your energy levels increase.
  • 2 to 12 weeks
    Circulation improves throughout the body, making walking and running a whole lot easier.
  • 3 to 9 months
    Coughs, wheezing and breathing problems get better as your lung function is increased by up to 10%.
  • 1 years
    Your heart-attack risk falls to about half that of a smoker.
  • 10 years
    Risk of lung cancer falls to half that of a smoker. Risk of heart attack falls to same as someone who has never smoked.

You’ll also experience these physical effects when you quit smoking:

  • Improved fertility
  • Healthier looking skin
  • Whiter teeth and fresher breath
  • Softer and shinier hair

Other Benefits

It’s important for you to celebrate these other wins when you break free from smoking for good:

  • Better smelling clothes
  • Less stress
  • More money



Budget Calculator

It’s eye-opening when you learn how much money you’ll save when you quit smoking.

Tips to Stop Smoking

Learn the right facts and helpful tactics to break free from smoking for good.